
Discussion in 'Solved abuse reports' started by Abbs, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

    Ingame name: Honey
    Ingame name of abuser: Yonda13
    Proof of abuse: Never mails me food, mainly pizza, yolo
    Any extra things you want to add: No swag
  2. I'll give you pizza, if that makes you feel better?
  3. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

    it would, but yknow, missing my pizza
  4. TheOrangePanda-Im2Good

    TheOrangePanda-Im2Good SkywarsPlayer

  5. Patrick

    Patrick Former Staff

    HoneyPot plox tell me you remember me :rolleyes:
  6. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

  7. Patrick

    Patrick Former Staff

    Ima cry
    I was here when you made that McMMo spawn and was with Jello:(
  8. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

    oh looooooooooooool
  9. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

    ign fam?
  10. Abbs

    Abbs Main Bitch

    nah i just want fucking food
  11. psh I was too
  12. Nosweg

    Nosweg The Sweg God | Quitted

    Call domino's
  13. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    That's why you have a kitchen...
    JamesM and Yum44 like this.
  14. Yum44

    Yum44 Zlol13's brother

    If that was intended to be sexist, holy balls man.. you just..

    Minion2317 likes this.
  15. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    Oh shet xD
    I never meant it that way lmao
  16. Yonda

    Yonda Goodbye

    Wot. Not my fault
  17. hawkfan2014

    hawkfan2014 New Member

    hi yonda13

    TcWxFUSIONS Mostly known as Joey

    Remember me Honey? :3
  19. hawkfan2014

    hawkfan2014 New Member

    hi TcWxFUSIONS

    TcWxFUSIONS Mostly known as Joey

  21. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
  22. Sam is the MAN

    Sam is the MAN JRaptor77's godbrother

  23. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    I'm not being mean Sam, but don't auto correct me; you guys know what i'm saying.
  24. Sam is the MAN

    Sam is the MAN JRaptor77's godbrother

    I do it when I feel like it :p
  25. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    don't feel like it, ever!
  26. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :


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