ajain inpersonating idc if this is spelt wrong

Discussion in 'Solved abuse reports' started by Mrnightmare123, Feb 11, 2015.


is this bannable ?

  1. talk away perms

    0 vote(s)
  2. dont take away

    4 vote(s)
  3. Take * away perms

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Mrnightmare123

    Mrnightmare123 New Member

    ajain inpersonating idc if this is spelt wrong

    Attached Files:

  2. TheJapaneseCat

    TheJapaneseCat New Member

    Your a idiot
  3. BabyButt1

    BabyButt1 I'M BAAAACK

    This is so dumb. There is no rules against that xD
  4. -=[CREEPERBOT360]=-

    -=[CREEPERBOT360]=- Returned Staff Member Mod

    To be honest I have not seen a rule saying this is not allowed.
    However a player was doing this once and an old mod was on and muted him for about 20minutes.
  5. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    1. *Impersonating
    *You're an idiot
    3. This isn't against the rules and even if it was, this thread is in the wrong section.
    4. No format.

    TheScallywagFTW likes this.
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