Breezey jailed me 12 hours for no reason

Discussion in 'Solved abuse reports' started by beautylove123<- ign, Dec 4, 2014.


Do you think this was fair?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. beautylove123<- ign

    beautylove123<- ign New Member

    Ingame name:beautylove123
    Ingame name of abuser: breezeyboy
    Proof of abuse: I don't have proof, but NEITHER does he. I was jailed for 12 hours because I accidentally placed lava instead of water when he knocked me off my sky base with a bow. He claims that it says I killed myself, when I asked him for screenshots he left the game. He has no proof this happened many people make accidents and if you're going to get jailed for making accidents squadcraft will lose players
    Any extra things you want to add: I think he is abusing his powers there were 5 other people in jail at the time... Squad is the only server I play skywars on and I had a crappy time not being able to play on squad I don't think it was fair!!
  2. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :

    If die via your own lava it don't say that you was killed by anyone but the death message that I saw was that you was killed by yourself meaning that you was failing in the void and hit yourself with a projectile
    Jonny_503 likes this.
  3. BabyButt1

    BabyButt1 I'M BAAAACK

    Why is placing lava and accidently jumping into it jailable for 12 hrs?
  4. Jonny_503

    Jonny_503 Guest

    Because she didn't place lava and go into it, she hit herself with a projectile while falling, she's lying. It would just say that you were killed by no one.
  5. beautylove123<- ign

    beautylove123<- ign New Member

    thats not true, I was trying to place lava while I was building to the center, and I continued walking, thinking it was water. Then I realized quickly that it was lava and I placed water, I jumped onto the obsidian block it created and then I fell back into the lava with only a few hearts and died. I would love to see Breezey's proof that says I killed myself, I honestly would because I never kill myself purposely and I made one accident and was jailed for 12 hours! Everybody else only gets jailed for 20 minutes or so. That's definitely abusing power, he has no proof!
  6. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :

    Noo.. We jail for 12 hours since it's the only way to get people to stop
    Daniel Logic and Jonny_503 like this.
  7. Buritomaker

    Buritomaker New Member

    1. Suck it up its twelve hours, You can come back tomorrow..
    2. People don't just jail Your playing semantics
    3. Just don't do it again mk :)
  8. christiancessna

    christiancessna New Member

    lel, the breezey report threads are real. <3 Breezy
  9. WillCraftHD_FTW

    WillCraftHD_FTW got banned for advertising.

    Lol, you deserve it you complain 24/7
  10. Goran

    Goran :b Mod

    You should have seen the unConspired abuse reports, there was like 1 1/2 pages of abuse reports.
  11. beautylove123<- ign

    beautylove123<- ign New Member

    Well it's funny because now if you make a mistake it's a 12 hour jail?
  12. iDonut123

    iDonut123 Old member

    If you kill yourself with lava, it says: (ign) has been eliminated. If you kill yourself with projectile while falling, then it says: (ign) -1 score has been eliminated by (same ign) +3 score. And that is not allowed. Stop lying, if in chat says your ign killed by your ign, you did not die in lava.
    breezeyboy likes this.
  13. LeMishu

    LeMishu "Don't do today what you can do to tomorrow."

    Wheres the proof huh? :)
    Minion2317 likes this.
  14. iDonut123

    iDonut123 Old member

    Breezey did mistake because he don't have proof, but neither does this beautylove123. And you know its not possible to kill yourself with lava and get scores..
  15. connorcan1

    connorcan1 Problem Solver

    C'mon you even serious?! You complaining about a measly 12 hour jail for breaking a rule.
    I get 12 hour jails for mods thinking i hack! ...all the time! You'll get yourself into more trouble about tryin to debate about it. Just come back the next day and problems solved
  16. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

    Ya, you dont have any proof of abuse. Therefore, this thread is invalid. Locked
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