cameronn12 Massive Hacks

Discussion in 'Factions' started by clemson_fan, Mar 3, 2015.


Should cameronn12/drewcap2/OctoCreeper1222 be IP banned?


    18 vote(s)
  2. No, hackers increase server popularity and overall make it a better place.

    2 vote(s)
  1. clemson_fan

    clemson_fan YouTuber/Factions Bedrock/SquadSince2012

    IGN: clemson_fan/Bear_Clawz

    IGN of Hacker: cameronn12 - (A.K.A drewcap2, OctoCreeper1222, and Bowiz"


    Obvious Anti-Knockback, Kill Aura, Criticals, and No-slowdown. This kid hacks so hard everyday and should be IP-Banned. This is drewcap2's alt (an MVP), so, an IP-Ban should teach this idiot a lesson.
  2. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    yes yes plz he honestly needs to get banned and heres proof he is drewcap2...
  3. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    Lol nothin new we already know this kid hax

    Omfg nice
  4. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Drewcap2, Octocreeper, bowiz, and swisscannon24.

    - Your welcome
  5. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    for what ?y
  6. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Clem, you do know that putting polls in reports is completely usless right?
    skarmick likes this.
  7. skarmick

    skarmick @GoOnSkar

    Can I just say I see this kid (drewcap2) DDoSing people all the time.
    In almost every fight he's in, the other person disconnects and he gets a kill.
  8. clemson_fan

    clemson_fan YouTuber/Factions Bedrock/SquadSince2012

    thx <3

    Who gave you permission to call me that o.o :3 jkjk I know xD
  9. Daniel Logic

    Daniel Logic Logic

    They all got banned
  10. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

  11. Yeah cameronn12 has been using these hacks every time, i don't know why he wasn't banned yet.
  12. CaderKK

    CaderKK New Member

    I new clem was a nazy

  13. snipernationdws

    snipernationdws I love to pvp, build, have fun with friends.

    No, octocreeper1222 and swisscannon24 are still hacking on the server...
  14. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    You could fight back...
  15. xSkaro

    xSkaro ey

    Don't necropost.

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