ClobexMC DDoS threat

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by AjainWazHere, Mar 30, 2015.

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  1. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    IGN: AjainPvPYT
    IGN Of DDoSer: ClobexMC
    Proof: Screen
    Anything else: Uh....

    Attached Files:

  2. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

    Gosh so much ddos threats btw good proof
  3. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    Sent to surge
  4. -=[CREEPERBOT360]=-

    -=[CREEPERBOT360]=- Returned Staff Member Mod

  5. surgetheurge

    surgetheurge Urges of Surge Admin

    I wish just once they would be super clear. like "I am going to ddos you" lol
    I also wish you would show more of that conversation
    Juuzou_x and skarmick like this.
  6. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    That's all he said. I didn't respond after he said that and after I didn't see him talk at all, but he still was online...
  7. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

    ok so lock this?
  8. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Did you ban him though..?
  9. CapaMiner

    CapaMiner Diamond Rank on Factions

    What is the point in ddosing anyway XD? I mean do people go around saying 'I'm going to dos some people today.' Because their mad or something lol
  10. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Don't necropost
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