Name: Jake Russo McName: JakeClient Age: 15 Previous work: What public plugins have you made? Links? Have you worked for servers before? Yes, I've worked for multiple networks How many years have you been programming? 4 years of knowledge of Java, and 2 years of knowledge with the spigot API Do you have paypal? Yes How much time do you have to spend on making plugins? Monday - Friday: 3-6 Hours Weekend: 5-10 hours I know I only have one public plugin, I'm not allowed to post plugins that I've made for specific servers.
is it possible to be a successful dev if u only work with these languages made for specific games not criticizjng u btw just a question for anyone who reads this thread
It is very possible to be a successful developer on minecraft with only knowledge of Java, and the spigot API however, to create larger projects, and to have it link into MYSQL, you need to know more languages, I've listed the ones I know, I'm still learning new languages to better my work.