Drewcap2 hacking againXD

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by ChickenDude, Jul 6, 2015.

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  1. ChickenDude

    ChickenDude New Member

    ign: DeadlyPlayzzYT
    IGN OF HACKER : drewcap
    Proof Video
    No need to explain anything its all there in the video :) lol and drew cap says he doesn't hack you never get away with hacking .....
  2. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

  3. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    I don't get why people buy a rank and continuously hack on it
    cdennis02, Oman0202 and RockStar_188 like this.
  4. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    that just happend to me..... hes got anti kb hacks or is it alt
  5. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Why isn't he banned yet?!?
  6. ChickenDude

    ChickenDude New Member


    this kid needs to be banned b34st recorded him aswell with anti kb and he is still UNBANNED
  7. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    i had like punch 2 and he didnt even get knocked back a block.:mad: :(

    but when he gets banned, he'll just probably just buy a unban token.

    just a prediction
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  8. XXProdigyGuyXX

    XXProdigyGuyXX New Member

    RockStar_188 likes this.
  9. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    @EA_Sharks can you deal with him. A simple jail isn't enough to teach this kid his lesson. He has hacked for way too long with only a slap on the wrist (that's what a jail is in my opinion, you can just afk it or log off), If he buys a unban, HEY 25$ more to fund the server! If he doesn't we lose a toxic player! It is a win win. Even if he does buy an unban chances are he will continue to hack, maybe not on his main (if he does, ban him again!) but maybe on alts but hey that is what ip comparisons are for, I doubt even he is stupid enough to pvp on a vpn.
    RockStar_188 and XXProdigyGuyXX like this.
  10. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Apparently hacking is only a jail now.
    Stupidest rule I've ever heard in my ever so humble opinion.
    xJango and Lostvayne like this.
  11. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    It is quite idiotic to think the people on this server, of all servers, will change with one measly temporary punishment.
  12. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    It's like;
    'Ahahah! Solitary confinement too you! You will now change you're evil ways in this cell because you can't do anything!'
    *Hacker's POV*
    'Gotta kill this sucker on CS:GO.'
  13. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    Lol, They all just log off since the max jail is 12 or 24 hours. I mean I afk for days at a time sometimes so that time just flies by. Jail is only good when you can put them in it for a longer period of time.
  14. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Yeah, but ordinary people can't jack off for days straight.
    But anyway, it's basically taking a cookie off of a three year old, telling them they're not allowed to touch it and then putting it down in front of them. What do you think is gonna happen the instant you walk out of the room?
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  15. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    Well, true, I am special in that way.
    But yeah that pretty much sums up what these stubborn punks do.
  16. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    You call that special? I call that extreme patience.
    Not stubborn. Clueless, idiotic. Lacking braincells.
    Lostvayne likes this.
  17. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    Eh, I have a lot of stamina when it cums to this stuff.
  18. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

  19. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

  20. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    See what I did there? ;)
  21. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    Yep, had to put it in my original post as well.
  22. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Too good.
  23. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    Tu gud fer u
  24. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    U wesh Herntay Boi
  25. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    I aint Welsh
  26. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Didn't say that...
  27. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    I aint nu welsh hernia boi
  28. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    You spell like one though.
  29. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

  30. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    I have yet to catch him online.

    After multiple jails, we can request a ban to Surge.
  31. This is what I'm saying.. people can log off and or afk it, to fix the afk problem we should just make it so they do their punishment (mute or jail) when they're online, make it so when they're online then the countdown for however long their punishment is, starts from when they're online and in-game.

    Why not request it now? do Mods have to wait until a certain amount of punishments to request a ban from Surge?
  32. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    Probably because if hacking was a ban, Surge would loose most of his player-base.
  33. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

    He is on now
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  34. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    24h jail
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  35. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

    Me? Or you jailed him?
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  36. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

    nvm, jailed
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  37. surgetheurge

    surgetheurge Urges of Surge Admin

    apparently 'fight angles' is when you hit multiple people at the same time. Lol.
    anyway drewcap2 banned for 1 month. Give him some time to think about what he did.
    Oman0202, RockStar_188 and Arman21818 like this.
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