Factions Improvment

Discussion in 'Factions' started by QZ0, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    I've been playing for a while since I got some unbreakable. I went out into PvP and I noticed some glitches/problems that need a fix.

    Note: None of this is meant to "hate" on the server, SquadCraft is a fantastic server and these are just some improvements that could possibly make the server better.

    1) The Combat Tag - When I was PvPing it was saying that I was "out of combat" I was still fighting and being hit. I noticed that when you are "out of combat" you can use any command that you have access to. It's very annoying, you can even log out when it says that. It's hard but people have done it when I'm PvPing them

    2) The Void Holes - When you go past the Warzone claims and houses. Down near the bottom there are some parts of bedrock that are missing that go into the void. This needs to be fixed.

    3) /f home - /f home gives instant teleportation, right when you type the command you're teleported to where your faction home is. This is also a big issue. Since a decent amount of people on SquadCraft use keybinds to fix all, or do whatever that's needed, some players (even players in my faction) do this tactic. Even though it's against the rules, as is combat logging people still pursue these actions.

    These are somewhat "big" problems that need to be fixed, it's very annoying when you get hit into the void and die, or when someone is running and /f homes away from the fight, and last but not least, the combat tag. It's the most frustrating thing when a donator pulls more god apples out of their /enderchest. Even though that /chest is allowed in combat, I still find it very annoying.

    If you fellow faction players notice any problems let's make this the forum post for issues that should be fixed.

    Have fun!

    Daniel Logic likes this.
  2. xPh4nt0mM4nx

    xPh4nt0mM4nx Old Squad Member -=[ Old Factions Staff]=-

    1) People have access to /chest and /echest in combat anyway. The slight gap matters not at all.

    2) That should be fixed.

    3) /f home is a jailable offense in combat. Screenshot/Record it.
  3. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    I know, I have been fighting numerous emerald donators and when I bring them down to a gap they just /enderchest more because of the glitch. It's extremely annoying.
  4. DrPigu/Ryan

    DrPigu/Ryan www.steamcommunity.com/id/ryanA1

    Heyyyyyyy lol nice post, I do agree with most of the stuff said in here.
    Void Holes and combat tag are a huge problem and especially the /f home. That's sooooo annoying.
  5. TopDonorTredude

    TopDonorTredude New Member

    I am done LOL
    PAPAhirs likes this.
  6. DrPigu/Ryan

    DrPigu/Ryan www.steamcommunity.com/id/ryanA1

  7. TopDonorTredude

    TopDonorTredude New Member

  8. TheOrangePanda-Im2Good

    TheOrangePanda-Im2Good SkywarsPlayer

    um @QZO everyone says u hack
    Minion2317 likes this.
  9. Superkazu

    Superkazu New Member

    you just have to work around this stuff in pvp
  10. xPh4nt0mM4nx

    xPh4nt0mM4nx Old Squad Member -=[ Old Factions Staff]=-

    He does not hack.

    I have tested it myself.
  11. 0PPvP

    0PPvP New Member

    People don't have access to /eec or /enderchest in combat only /chest
  12. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    /echest is allowed.
  13. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    I'm easily one of the best on the factions server, I've 1v1ed unconspired on many other servers before. I have won 80% of the times. We have rematched etc. etc.

    I played on servers that took more skill then a factions server does. Teams and hardcore servers, the include some hardcore "fans". Faction servers are very competitive and fun yet they lack the feeling of devotion for me.
  14. Nosweg

    Nosweg The Sweg God | Quitted

  15. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    Yea, that's what I did myself. I just donated for Emerald today :D
  16. Nosweg

    Nosweg The Sweg God | Quitted

    Gratz on Emerald :)
  17. QZ0

    QZ0 DrPigu's Step Brother

    Thanks :D

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