fly glitch on hunger games lobby?

Discussion in 'Glitch/bug reports' started by BluePlaysMC11, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. BluePlaysMC11

    BluePlaysMC11 New Member

    Okay, so me and my friends were playing hunger games, and she died. So she spectated, and after the game was done, she went to the hunger games lobby, and because she was spectator, she could fly. So some how it glitched and she kept flying in the hunger games lobby. Like she could move and fly up and everything. People private messaged her saying "I'm going to report you for hacking", she doesn't hack. She even shared her Skype screen with me. And plus she took a screen shot just because she wanted to make sure she had proof if she did get banned. Please fix this as soon as possible. Thank you -Blue. I also did talk to a moderator, so hopefully she doesn't get banned.

    Proof, picture down bellow, she sent it to me on skype.

    Attached Files:

  2. Yum44

    Yum44 Zlol13's brother

    I can understand if she doesnt hack but then dont use the glitch and say you dont deserve to be banned...
  3. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member

    I want this glitch on kitpvp kthx

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