When I start im in an ender portal somehow and im trapped in the portal and i have no clue why there is an ender portal. I also cannot type at this time. I have to log out of the server to escape. lease help me fix this so i can play. This only happens in creative mode.
Players took advantage of world edit ID Bugs and made Portal traps. This will trap the player and not let them escape. They will be trapped from typing. This is a bad glitch players abuse. I'll try And contact staff about this.
I am still trapped in the portal trap. please help me get out. not sure of my coordinates. How would i go about looking that up?
here is the info shown when i do that: c: 120/4624 (s) D: 8, pC: 000, pU: 0, aB: 5 E: 0/1, B: 0, I:1 P: 0, T: All Multiplayerchunkcache: 441, 441 ill stay on for a while if someone can teleport me out.
yes but since your are in a portal it doesnt show your coords .-. my bad. can u come on now? if so, meet me on hub
no i cannot in creative mode at least. the only way out is to disconnect. ok, thanks for contacting surge do i have to stay in game or can i shut it down?