JoJoKiller - Duplication Threat

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by xJango, Mar 30, 2015.

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  1. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    IGN: xJangox
    IGN Of Hacker: JojoKiller919
    Proof: Attached Image
    Anything Extra: So JoJo has been known for duplicating items on many servers including SquadCraft. I understand he has been IP Banned in the past and I wish for it to happen again. In the screenshot he cleary states he can duplicate and he will if wants to.

    Attached Files:

  2. Apollo11MC

    Apollo11MC New Member

    Good proof. Mod needs to look into this. @EA_Sharks
  3. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

  4. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Send it surge. I'm talking about builds with him right now and don't want to get off track.
  5. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    First it's a threat and second it is impossible to dupe on this server or anything minecraft related.
  6. Hot3Shot3

    Hot3Shot3 ={Old Squad God}=

    lol, I see your in penguins base me and him built :3

    I was on when this happened and if ppl try to call photo shop or some other bull like that I have screenie to
    brennajhill likes this.
  7. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    He needs an IP ban
    clemson_fan and skarmick like this.
  8. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..


    I'd say he needs a death sentence the way he treats people :/
    AjainWazHere likes this.
  9. brennajhill

    brennajhill brennanjhill123

    How would u know it's impossible guess yalls faction already tried
  10. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    other than the fact that surge and the faction pluging patched it, and surge himself said you can't dupe because it's patched, there is totally(sarcasm) way to dupe.
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