Kygxr Application - I Am Not New

Discussion in 'Dev applications' started by Kygxr, Jul 13, 2016.


Should I Get Dev Yes Or No

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. Nu

    12 vote(s)
  1. Kygxr

    Kygxr New Member

    McName:Kygxr i do change my name alot so i will tell you
    Age: i am 9 but i do haf lots of experience with dev and that stuff i will be turning 10 soon :D
    Previous work: What public plugins have you made? Links? i dont make plugins but i learn them really fast i know how to work with tons of plugins and command blocks im pretty good at like console and command blocks basically that stuff you know.
    Have you worked for servers before? well acutally i go to servers that are like a server then a server that u can create its bassicaly like a normal server but cooler ive worked with aton of devs command blocks console
    How many years have you been programming? by programming in console aabout 2 1 year same with ingame command blocks and stuff like that basically.
    Do you have paypal? yes indeed i do i do have paypal i do use it alot acutally and i did donate to this server
    How much time do you have to spend on making plugins? like i said i dont make plugins but i do spend alot of time learning and trying to figure out the stuff that it does and how to work it all.

    sorry if my spelling wasnt very good i not much of a speller but i do type pretty fast so ye well not really just kind of
  2. Jerry2kewl

    Jerry2kewl From Ebay C/O $6.95 Staff Member Mod

    Yeaaaa.. No
  3. Twerkae

    Twerkae Louis

    If u can't construct simple sentences then how are you able to construct pieces of code
  4. Lordnelson

    Lordnelson Nope

    I don't think u got what is meant by dev. You actually need to create plugin if I'm not mistaken

    Sorry it's a nu
  5. Crixiaro

    Crixiaro Karma Staff Member Mod

    Translate this to English.
  6. MetaMonkeyz

    MetaMonkeyz Ign is SnowBagel. Staff Member Mod

    pls giv dev u nrd
    Crixiaro likes this.
  7. Kygxr

    Kygxr New Member

    okay if im denied im fine i didnt know i had to create a plugin and all that stuff i am harris5555 ive been here for a long time i knew i wasnt gonna get dev but y not try its fine good bye
  8. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    coding and sentences are different.
    sentences is a set of words that contain subject, predicate, a statement, question etc.
    coding is a process of assigning a code

    im tired
  9. Twerkae

    Twerkae Louis

    coding requires a knowledge of a particular language in computer terms
    constructing proper sentences requires effective use of the english language
  10. Lordnelson

    Lordnelson Nope

    Good attitude. :)
  11. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    well, yeah. his language skill is a bit deplorable.
  12. lookcook

    lookcook New Member

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
  13. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

    +1 We need some youth on the server. We really need some new kids to corrupt as the server moves along, as the playerbase is being lost.
  14. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    I love how the title says "I am not new"
  15. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    I don't know... You seem pretty new. :/
  16. lluigi

    lluigi Dancer

    So do you.
    MLGProGamer123 likes this.
  17. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

  18. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    That's a very new tea cup I see there. Is it new, by any chance?
  19. lluigi

    lluigi Dancer

    Well it isn't cold.
  20. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

    Hru babe?
  21. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    As it should. A cold mug is heresy.
    Am mightyy fineeeeeeeee.
    lluigi likes this.
  22. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

    Am doing great
  23. YES THIS IS THE BEST DEV, we never had a good dev

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