lol ez

Discussion in 'Factions' started by SiegeFamos, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. SiegeFamos

    SiegeFamos Fac God

    ign: siegefamos
    Ign of ddoser: LionClawzFTW
    Proof: [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Extra: one day i get back on get this
  2. MetaMonkeyz

    MetaMonkeyz Ign is SnowBagel. Staff Member Mod

    Will deal with this when I see him.
  3. lookcook

    lookcook New Member

    ur back m8
  4. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    This Is lion, i was very mad for personal reasons and he wouldnt quit hitting me when i had to do something important and he wouldnt, and i would like to meet u on the server too please, and @SiegeFamos i am sorry man!!
  5. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    Haha, you're pathetic. As soon as he makes a report you come with apologies.
  6. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    i did it anyway kid
  7. MetaMonkeyz

    MetaMonkeyz Ign is SnowBagel. Staff Member Mod

    A ddos threat is a ddos threat regardless of what you say. You aren't going to get a special treatment just because you feel regret.
  8. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    • Lack of characterization
    • Lack of proper punctuation
    And yet you have the audacity to call me a kid? Ironic.
    lluigi likes this.
  9. lluigi

    lluigi Dancer


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