marcuscappo using anti-kb

Discussion in 'Factions' started by g_p, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    couldn't find format coz fat, but ez.
    IGN: Squeaking
    IGN of hacker/ddoser: marcuscappo

    Anything: I'm about to eat this chicken burger from maccas, looks tasty. Also i got a new screen recorder which actually gives me half decent fps.
  2. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member

    I waNT chicken burger ):
  3. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    gg with da ban kthxbye m8

    Nah, but this is obviously a modded client to improve his PvP performance, @EA_Sharks punish him?
  4. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    um so ay hak¿
    xJango likes this.
  5. MaskingTape25

    MaskingTape25 New Member

    hi im marcuscappo i agree i used antiknock back but i didn't ddos i don't know why u put dossed there
  6. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

  7. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    the ddos and hack reports go in the same section
    xJango likes this.
  8. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    My intelligent side just commit suicide.
  9. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    You are a disgrace to society
  10. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    u r ay...

    Maxxy likes this.
  11. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member


    *takes breath*

    Emuturd, g_p, Maxxy and 1 other person like this.
  12. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    wuts that mod u have? the enchantments showing thingy
  13. Jace

    Jace ⚠️State Bound 100 Meter Dash⚠️

    You over exaggerated there, right?
  14. g_p

    g_p grondewa

  15. Pvped

    Pvped New Member

    @Maxxy get someone to ban him, he legit admitted
  16. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    Kay Kay
  17. Daniel Logic

    Daniel Logic Logic

    So are you, you nerd.
  18. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    I like Pi

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