nv_Virus hacking.

Discussion in 'Factions' started by BunnySlayah69, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. BunnySlayah69

    BunnySlayah69 BunnehPvP

    Ign: BunnehPvP
    Ign of hacker: nv_virus
    Extra: he was hacking Posting proof.
  2. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    lol this shows me strafing or going in circles and there is no kill arua or else my head would have twitched alot
  3. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    @Maxxy @Lostvayne @Revolutionz
  4. Bunny, this isn't hacks.
  5. MCfinestDominic

    MCfinestDominic New Member

    doesn't look like hacks, you just have terrible Fov, which makes it seem as if he is hitting way farther.
  6. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    So anyone want to tell me why BunnehPvP is becoming a mod?
  7. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    Because he will be a good one,

    Yes he made a mistake, so what?
  8. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    at the very beginning of the vid it's obvious that this fella has a good intro
  9. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    his reaction doe, should be delt with, @surgetheurge

    well, reading the past replys, i think he might just be good at pvp. soz for inconveinces
  10. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    Don't necropost
  11. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    well, i cunt help it. XD
  12. Fastened

    Fastened Good Vibes

    That's such obvious hacks cx if he wasn't banned or jailed or anything I'd be surprised.
  13. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    Brah, thats not hacks, he is just good at pvp.
    nv_Virus likes this.
  14. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    and @bunnehpvp u acuse everyone of hackin so yea, just dont post stuff like that if u dont know for shure..


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