perm muted

Discussion in 'Solved abuse reports' started by michael younger, Nov 17, 2014.

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  1. michael younger

    michael younger ironmike1297

    ign: ironmike1297
    ign of abuser: unknown (forgot)
    abuse: someone muted me and i have been muted for days now......... idk who it is but i cant play this server if im perm muted. Pls find out a way to unmute me
  2. You have been going posted it here, the shoutbox, and Yonda's profile O_O (you are done for in other words)
  3. michael younger

    michael younger ironmike1297

    no i just really want to be unmuted im desperate
  4. Robbin

    Robbin PukingRainbowz's Cousin

    You need to post proof

    Maybe try posting this as an appeal not an abuse report
  5. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :

    Dupe Thread

    Thread Locked
  6. Minion2317

    Minion2317 smeags and madi are bae

    Klmfao not locked
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