Proof Fadilycraft is Boaz123456

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by nathanjp, Jun 3, 2015.


Should Fadilycraft get an ip ban?

Poll closed Jun 10, 2015.
  1. Yes Deffenitly that kid hacks

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
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  1. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    Ingame name: WitherPlayZz
    Ingame name of hacker/ddoser: Boaz123456 aka Fadilycraft
    Proof of hacking/ddosing: Forums Thread
    Any extra things you want to add: I have seen super coincidences with boaz and fadil, such as im fighting boaz in a hole, fadil gets on ceggs it and loggs, also today i noticed when they were both on, they had the exact same ping at the exact same time. I did not record this because my screenflow was not up and running. here is the proof :p hope he gets banned because as beastboy recorded him with his hacks, and fadilycraft is him, i think he deserves an ip ban :) baii 2015-06-02_16.27.27.png 2015-06-02_16.27.18.png 2015-06-02_16.28.22.png
    TheHydraPhoenix likes this.
  2. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

  3. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    No offense but the ping bar means it is around 80-170 ping so that doesn't really prove anything unless surge can verify that they are logged in under the same ip
    xJango and AjainWazHere like this.
  4. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    I just wanted to grab surges attention, because he made a forms account and I wanna see if they both have same ip :p
  5. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

  6. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Hacking isn't a ban anymore, just a jail. Even if fadilycrap is Bowiz I don't think an IP ban is necisery or fair.
  7. Datti123

    Datti123 Some Austrian,

    • He has already been ip-banned 6 months ago but somehow magically got unbanned -.-
  8. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Who fadily? If so he's unbanned because surge unbanned everyone (Which I don't agree on tbh)
  9. Datti123

    Datti123 Some Austrian,

    oh :/
  10. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Mhm *Heart shatters*
  11. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    Personally, I believe Fadily isn't Boaz. I hate both of them, however, I've talked to Boaz about a year ago and he sounded totally different to Fadily. I believe Fadily may have taken hold of the account somehow...
    We should get Surge to check the IPs
  12. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    technology is advancing we have these things called voice changers its what mitszy does in ts to make it look like hes having sex
  13. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    I really want to know how he uses a voice changer to make it look like he's having sex.
    leapster, Datti123 and EA_Sharks like this.
  14. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    he moans in the mic..

    and he switches to a boy and girl voice and makes sex noises..
  15. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    He did that in a call with me.
  16. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Sorry what homefry? I can't see you over all this loud noise ;p

    Jk <5
  17. Toluke

    Toluke New Member

    Nice spelling kid
  18. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Ty skid
    homey2thefry likes this.
  19. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    nothing new
  20. They're both bad, they both hack, they both squeak but they're not the same person :3
    leapster, g_p and Lostvayne like this.
  21. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    @Pvped LOOOOOOL fadil is just a lord
  22. Pvped

    Pvped New Member

    B b but... I thought I was boaz?
    g_p likes this.
  23. mq4

    mq4 R.I.P T.H

    Whats all these good texture packs?!

  24. "Don't necropost"
  25. leapster

    leapster Hu3

    Fadilycraft is a legend
    g_p and Pvped like this.
  26. BunnySlayah69

    BunnySlayah69 BunnehPvP

    Lol, your incorrect He lives in aus (So do i) and We get around a 300-400 ms So...
  27. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    who doesn't know that LOL
    leapster and RockStar_188 like this.
  28. samandmargo

    samandmargo New Member

    XD your so nice lol

    Just realized I was part of a huge necro, sorry people.
  29. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    fadilys alt is XxXb3strestXxX. u try to get ajain ban and now fadily
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