Revelutions using invisiblity hacks or cheats and mutes for no reason

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by NickLuvsLego, Oct 25, 2015.

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  1. NickLuvsLego

    NickLuvsLego Пидор

    Revelutions muted me because I said that he used invisiblity cheats and abuses his mod ability of mute.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  2. BunnySlayah69

    BunnySlayah69 BunnehPvP

  3. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    I muted you because you wete acussing me of hacks wich i dont have. Plus you swore to me

    And if you think im hacking you Must be really bad at pvp

    And i would love your proof of me hacking
  4. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    Lynn•Nyteo likes this.
  5. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    @Des3rted_Retro if you cant say a sentance withoutbatleast 1 swear word in it, dont talk at all please. You have been warned
  6. Basilbac

    Basilbac Skyblock King

    Ok, first off, no proof. Second, apparently, this is an abuse report, with no proof either. Tough luck bud, Rev's not getting demoted or banned for no reason. Locked
    Revelutionz likes this.
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