Skyblock Mob Spawners

Discussion in 'Glitch/bug reports' started by Devils_Gladiator, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. Devils_Gladiator

    Devils_Gladiator New Member

    My skyblock mob spawner isn't spawning ANY mobs. It is completely dark, three spaces high, and spawn platforms 3x3. I asked PukingRainbowz (A mod) if she could fix it. She set the biome to Jungle and left. It still doesn't spawn mobs and Im pissed off because of it. Help.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  2. vsteelcityv

    vsteelcityv Former Skyblock Staff

    Is your spawner 25 blocks away?
  3. Goran

    Goran :b Mod

    PukingRainbowz is a girl btw
    skarmick likes this.
  4. skarmick

    skarmick @GoOnSkar

    Pretty sure something weird was/is happening with the spawners.
    I'll contact Surge on Skype.
    @EA_Sharks @surgetheurge
    P.S. This thread should be moved into Bugs/Glitches!
  5. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    Moved to Bug/Glitch reports
  6. surgetheurge

    surgetheurge Urges of Surge Admin

    ill investigate this tomorrow and reply to this thread.
    Devils_Gladiator likes this.
  7. Devils_Gladiator

    Devils_Gladiator New Member

  8. surgetheurge

    surgetheurge Urges of Surge Admin

    sigh it looks like mobs can't spawn at all. I specifically remember working for like two hours to enable mob spawning, and I did enable it. How is it off again. Sigh
  9. surgetheurge

    surgetheurge Urges of Surge Admin

    okay so I fixed the mobs. AGAIN lol. they were actually working and on, but the rate they were spawning at was reallllllly slow lol, so I changed it to spawn as many as it can asap while still limiting the count of mobs in the immediate area. So that mobs do spawn a lot and you can kill many of them, but they don't swarm and over powerer you, while still spawning back as fast as you are killing them. Also added free nightvision to skyblock players. u can do /nv to disable the nightvision potion effect, you can also cover ur island with torches to disable mobs for yourself....Your grinder should work now, but you are toooo far from the spawning areas. you have to be no more then 15 blocks away in height and no more then 25 blocks in distance. so no more then 15 up or down, and no more then 25 left right forward back... if that makes sense.
    Devils_Gladiator and Juuzou_x like this.
  10. Juuzou_x

    Juuzou_x iiDragonZz Staff Member Mod

    Nice one Surge :D
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