SniperrPvP disrespecting

Discussion in 'Factions' started by CaderKK, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. CaderKK

    CaderKK New Member

  2. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

  3. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    Whats the matter being autistic @snipernationdws ?

    You got a problem who are autistic? You probally dont even know how big the word autistic is and what is even means,

    Btw im autistic but atleast i know the words i use to swear
    Maxxy likes this.
  4. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    Not all faction leaders are like that, at least I am not.
    And being autistic is basically like being dyslexic except that autism is more with real life and not reading. And fun fact: Albert Einstein was autistic and look, he is a GENIUS. Rev he deserves a mute.
  5. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    All God Ranks are like that
  6. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

  7. snipernationdws

    snipernationdws I love to pvp, build, have fun with friends.

    Wait, he cropped out where he was calling me shit. Him and newbieKk have been calling me "spermo, a waste of life, that I have Down syndrome, calling me a faggot, queer, dick wad, for me to kms, and all sorts of things like that...
  8. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    Thats what you call everyone LOL
  9. snipernationdws

    snipernationdws I love to pvp, build, have fun with friends.

    Shh fam
    Daniel Logic likes this.
  10. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

  11. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

  12. snipernationdws

    snipernationdws I love to pvp, build, have fun with friends.

  13. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    Would not mind sir. Could rek you in a jiffy :) and you know who raided your pots station. Yeah i was me :) </3
  14. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    I wouldn't do that ♪
    wiipro123 likes this.
  15. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    lol just for that your getting a bedrock srt xD <3
  16. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    Hm? I don't care about the reward. I want it to be how I want it. Quite selfish, is it not?
  17. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    I suppose so
  18. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    Threathing some1. Mature

    But anyways will punish him when i see m
  19. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    Thank you. :3
  20. snipernationdws

    snipernationdws I love to pvp, build, have fun with friends.

    It's funny that you said you would wreck me... Lol. I'd honestly like to see that.
  21. BunnySlayah69

    BunnySlayah69 BunnehPvP

    No I'm not

    I now dislike you
  22. wiipro123

    wiipro123 Work hard in silence & let the success make noise.

    You are the exception XD

  23. SuperSkull04

    SuperSkull04 SuperSkullYT

    I'm autistic too :) I was diagnosed when I was three, and I couldn't talk until I was 6.
  24. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

  25. CaderKK

    CaderKK New Member

  26. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    U gut rekt un kitpvp by mi c;
  27. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    he gets rekt ez ily frm meh c:
  28. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    *sigh* prepubescent kiddies on the internet

    Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by repetitive behaviors, problems with social interactions, and unique reactions to environmental stimuli. The disorder is a spectrum. Some people may have it and you may not even notice.

    Tl;dr - autism=/=someone you don't like and calling people it doesn't make you any cooler.
  29. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    Indeed. He says these kind of stuff when he's mad -.-
  30. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    Remind him it won't make his balls drop or make his voice deeper.
    AniJan likes this.
  31. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

  32. leapster

    leapster Hu3

    "Rek you in a jiffy" m8, all you do is run in a 1v1 until your boyfriend comes to save you. And if that wasn't enough? You try and rekit, but you're utter trash. You try and be sneaky by tapping "t" and pressing the up arrow button and enter really fast. But you end up typing "lol" because you said that after you did /whateverkityouuse. And how do I know this? Because I used to rekit when I first played kit pvp on sc.
  33. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    o_O you're serious

    omg leapster is serious O-o
  34. leapster

    leapster Hu3

  35. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    "gr8 banter
    leapster likes this.
  36. SuperSkull04

    SuperSkull04 SuperSkullYT

    It's also offensive towards me too. I have autism too, diagnosed me when I was 3. Just saying
  37. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    A r8per?
    leapster likes this.
  38. leapster

    leapster Hu3

    That's even better ;)
  39. Revelutionz

    Revelutionz That one dutch guy

    Das rite ;)
  40. AniJan

    AniJan Hard work betrays little, But dreams betray many

    how bout a r@pping r8per ;)
  41. xSplicePvP

    xSplicePvP "The Best Is Yet To Come"

    I dont think this belongs in the hack/ddoes thread
  42. MetaMonkeyz

    MetaMonkeyz Ign is SnowBagel. Staff Member Mod


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