
Discussion in 'Solved abuse reports' started by Superkazu, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. Superkazu

    Superkazu New Member

    ign superkazu
    ign of abuser UniverseAspect

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  2. tarikpwns

    tarikpwns New Member

    This doesnt show that you were in combat just shows him flying.
  3. JackD

    JackD CheekyMeMe

    she's a gurl, Tarik
  4. Goran

    Goran :b Mod

    Ok I see the abuse
  5. tarikpwns

    tarikpwns New Member

    Explain for me.
  6. Goran

    Goran :b Mod

    Flying away from the match
  7. tarikpwns

    tarikpwns New Member

    The picture doesn't show that they were ever in combat, as far as we know she was just flying.
  8. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    One of the rules is don't run/warp from any possible combat isn't it?
    And anyway, off topic, apparently UniverseAspect bought bedrock the same day she joined squad. >_>
  9. tarikpwns

    tarikpwns New Member

    Yes it is a rule but she is not breaking it in that picture.
  10. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Because flying is excluded or she didn't see superkazu or whoever, or for something else?
    I'm just curious.
  11. tarikpwns

    tarikpwns New Member

    If we applied that rule to just running or flying around at pvp we'd all be jailed, I don't know if she did it on purpose but this doesn't show he technically breaking that rule if it showed her saying no or that they had been in combat sure but we can't assume from that picture.
  12. smeags

    smeags Intentionally Philosophical

    Fair enough, I see what you mean.
  13. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :

    Invalid Proof

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