Waddlers GFX App

Discussion in 'GFX artist applications' started by 1waddle3, Mar 27, 2015.


Do You Think This Guy Is Good For The Job?

This poll will close on Mar 27, 2025 at 7:12 PM.
  1. Yes Please!

  2. No Sorry :c

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  1. 1waddle3

    1waddle3 710 subs :o Almost der ;3

    Ingame name: ItsWaddler (It was 1waddle3 and WaddlerGamer)
    Real name: Ben
    Age: 13
    Respectfullness on a scale of 1-10: 9
    Obedience on a scale of 1-10: 9.5
    Experience: Well I actully started Graphic Design and Motion Design awhile ago, I started doing banners and dat crap in late 2013 (with help from adamk gfx pack) and I thought I was pretty good at the time and then I found out about other things like how to Warp the text, Border Lines, ETC and now, I think I am pretty good ;3, but for motion design (IDK if this would be part of it) I have done it since feb 2014 and now I have got pretty good at the time, not really anything else to say ;3
    Proof of experience:
    Graphic Design: (In Attached Files) and
    Motion Design: and
    Any past offences: I don't think so
    Reasons you should do GFX for us: Well anything really like
    If u need me to make an ad for the server
    Logo Change
    Graphics For Staff
    Intros For Staff
    Website Layouts
    Any extra things you want to add: Not really anything else but, Hope I get in

    Waddler ;3

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2015
    EA_Sharks likes this.
  2. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

    Looks good

    ASF_BUTTER New Member

    1+ But I'm not sure if you can be so young but thanks for being honest!
  4. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member

    +1 I really love the motion designs and logos ;D
  5. 1waddle3

    1waddle3 710 subs :o Almost der ;3

    Age doesnt Matter :p and thanks

  6. -=[CREEPERBOT360]=-

    -=[CREEPERBOT360]=- Returned Staff Member Mod

    Woah! That's some overpowered GFX! I think your very well fit as a GFX Designer for Squad
  7. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Noice GFX m8, you're gr8 at thumbnails and banners ;)
  8. Robbin

    Robbin PukingRainbowz's Cousin

    No - I personaly think SquadCraft can do better :p
  9. 1waddle3

    1waddle3 710 subs :o Almost der ;3

    Thanku SOOOO much!


    Highlight Personally, Its 5-1 m8 :p

    But thanks for ur opinion
    Robbin likes this.
  10. Robbin

    Robbin PukingRainbowz's Cousin

    No problem, don't get me wrong you're good all im saying is there is a lot of room for improvment!

    And you need more experience, the best thing you can do now is get lots and lots of practice.

    I would make gfx art for your friends to, its a great way to gain better more practical experience!

    For now my vote is still a no.
  11. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Can you make me a faction says MineCraft Factions Guitarmad (No Numbers)
  12. 1waddle3

    1waddle3 710 subs :o Almost der ;3

  13. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

    I would pm your skype
    Not show it to everyone on the forums
  14. JamesM

    JamesM New IGN: iTzGuitarmadMC

    Pm me conversation.
  15. 1waddle3

    1waddle3 710 subs :o Almost der ;3

  16. KevinMZ

    KevinMZ New Member

    these are pretty kewl I guess :p
  17. IrishBigFoot

    IrishBigFoot New Member

    Debatable. While the obvious argument here is that the speciality with you is motion design which a minecraft server could only use for a trailer to promote themselves, though there are other arguable points such as how some graphics artists are nothing without their graphics pack, the AdamK graphics pack being an especially good pack often leaves graphics artists dependent on it. Overall I'd give you a rough 6.8/10 as a general artist which is quite suitable for squadcraft. You have my support.
  18. BloodElf

    BloodElf New Member

    Lol i find this funny because most things i see on squad are LQ and this is better then anything squad has at the moment.
  19. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    What the heck does LQ mean? You use it in almost every one of your posts.
  20. BloodElf

    BloodElf New Member

    It means Low Quality. And HQ means High Quality
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
  21. cdennis02

    cdennis02 Forums Addict/OmegaAso

    Pretty good bro gl hope u make it
  22. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Pretty neat
  23. TheHydraPhoenix

    TheHydraPhoenix Marvel Addict

    hi there you should be whatever you are running for :D
  24. BenGallegos2000

    BenGallegos2000 Gamer/Aspiring Artist

    Good Luck +1 from me :)
  25. Maxxy

    Maxxy •Ex-Devil•

    Don't. Necro. Post.
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  26. Revvvelutionsss

    Revvvelutionsss Random Dutch Guy

    Its nit about the score
    Its up to 1 man
  27. ItsRias

    ItsRias Brady

    why is not accepted yet?!?
  28. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    i thought you were allowed to necro post on undenied apps.
  29. Razor<3Banana

    Razor<3Banana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiSsrEg3tks

    1+ from me
  30. Thank you for applying to become a GFX Artist on SquadCraft. We are sorry to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following:


    You may re-apply in 2 months time. Best of luck.

    Kind regards,

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