WitherPlayZz FootTrap

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by Superkazu, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. Superkazu

    Superkazu New Member

    ign: superkazu
    ign of trapper: WitherPlayZz
    Proof: Screen shot

    Attached Files:

  2. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    LOL this is in your spawnclaim, and you mined yourself into there.... ask xhamster :p
  3. Superkazu

    Superkazu New Member

    He won't pvp in other people's spawn claims, it's obviously his. Nathan is a known trapper and if it was my spawn claim it would be spamming my chat -30% damage or something like that lol.
  4. andrewlovesgold

    andrewlovesgold New Member

    he doesent trap
  5. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    proof its yours :) 2015-06-26_09.54.15.png 2015-06-26_09.54.30.png
  6. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    What's his new ign because your ss don't prove anything
  7. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

  8. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

  9. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Use your judgment, I don't know how many times he's been jailed.
  10. Smh Nathan.
  11. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

    Jailed. Locked.
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