witherplayzz trapping

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by boaz123456., Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. boaz123456.

    boaz123456. New Member

    in game name of trapper: Witherplayzz
    Ingame name: Boaz123456
    Any extra things u wanna add:

    Attached Files:

  2. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    Can some1 check this kids ip? check if its linked to fadilycraft. every1 knows boaz hacks, and i think i have proof of them being the same person :)
    xJango and TheHydraPhoenix like this.
  3. TheHydraPhoenix

    TheHydraPhoenix Marvel Addict

    yes! they both use hacks dude check out http://squadcraft.net/threads/baoz123456-hacking.14626/ @nathanjp and plus it doesnt show any proof you couldve been in pvp
  4. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    2015-06-02_16.27.27.png 2015-06-02_16.27.18.png 2015-06-02_16.28.22.png
    TheHydraPhoenix likes this.
  5. TheHydraPhoenix

    TheHydraPhoenix Marvel Addict

  6. Emuturd

    Emuturd New Member

  7. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member


    Status hud, armor status, and bskcore something like that
    TheHydraPhoenix likes this.
  8. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Whether it is him or bit is regardless, the fact is you trap and that's what this thread is about
  9. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    xD all you do is follow me and hate, lel
  10. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Sorry but this is the forums, I am free to go where I want. If you think I'm "following" you then leave
  11. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    Shouldnt this be put in rule breaking section and not hacking or ddos section because this has nothing to do with hacks or ddos.
  12. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    He was temp banned so I'm going to lock this.
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