Discussion in 'Factions' started by Superkazu, Nov 4, 2014.


Remove dat aw man

  1. Remove dat aw man

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  2. remove dat aw man

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  1. Superkazu

    Superkazu New Member

    Surge you ruined all my spawnclaims.. for the third time. It sucks this time because now i cant rebuild them. Sorry for being mean but this is bull. Please get rid of that stupid dirt. It would really help-superkazu

    *Swearing was removed

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  2. LeMishu

    LeMishu "Don't do today what you can do to tomorrow."

    Maybe posting the first picture wasn't very wise:D
  3. breezeyboy

    breezeyboy Bye :

    Oh thanks for claiming that you did that. Temp banned for breaking the rules! Also that area has been fixed, same you cannot come on to see the pretty version before it all gets blown up.

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