Yum yum in Mai tum tum

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by xNic, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. xNic

    xNic New Member

    ok so wen @lluigi get mod, cann we hav taco flavored Cheetos in shape of doito? I mean tastes good so y not? And @leapster ur got to mak a sever as owner 4 PopularMMOs ok tnx bai <3
    NickLuvsLego likes this.
  2. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    Haha this gave me a good laugh! Keep up the quality banter xNic!
    x_CryChaos_ likes this.
  3. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    Yay I have your approval! Now I can be president of the USA, get us into 20 trillion dollars in debt, and say that communism works- wait a second..... On taco Cheetos Doritos plz
  4. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    Haha this gave me a good laugh! Keep up the quality banter xNic!
  5. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    I'm so confused
  6. MLGProGamer123

    MLGProGamer123 Viva La Vida

    Haha this gave people cancer! Keep up the kiss-ass behavior xNic!
    g_p likes this.
  7. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    Ha! This kissing donkey got his tail unbanned when even former mods can't! ;)

    Got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all MLG.
  8. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    suck my ass
  9. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

  10. g_p

    g_p grondewa

    suck my ass
  11. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    ur ded to me
  12. littledew23

    littledew23 xXPro_GamerXx50 - The OG Raider

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