
Forums: -No short and pointless posts such as "Thanks" "lol" "thats good". Try to make every single post quality. At least more then one sentence, and it has to have meaning and insight-Signatures must be small.
-No necroposting.
-Don't post IP's.
-Don't advertise.
-No Racism or hate-speech.
-Don't spam.
-Don't disrespect staff.

server: -Don't post IP's.
-Don't advertise.
-No Racism or hate-speech.
-Don't spam.
-Don't disrespect staff.

-Don't hack or use cheats.
-Don't ask for staff.
-Don't ddos. It is illegal.
-Do not use Gameplay altering mods like better sprint mod. optifine is allowed.
-Don't reveal other player's personal information.
-Don't ask other players for their personal information.
-Don't use X-ray or x-ray texture pack
-Don't complain about your ban, just buy an unban token or appeal it.
-Don't sell accounts. Don't buy accounts, Don't trade outside of the game, don't make deals to buy ranks or to have ranks purchased for you.
-No inappropriate faction names.
-Don't foot-trap/head-trap/dispenser trap.
-Don't complain about the rules
-Don't beg or ask staff for anything.
-No Racism or hate-speech.
Mar 11, 2014
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