Ajain DDoSing xFrogx

Discussion in 'Solved hack/ddos reports' started by nathanjp, May 28, 2015.

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  1. same..
  2. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    rekt it looks like some kids r pretty mad here lmfao

    o gawd lel ill call the wambulance

    nope surge screwed up i rarely log on
  3. You actually can't get arrested for saying you smoke cannabis. They'd have to find it in your possession in order to arrest you.
  4. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    csgo is crap play cod, bo3 is gonna come out soon

    nice spelling <3
  5. Well typing while laying on my side with auto correct isn't really the greatest idea. And cod is horrible, it turned into pay to win with the buyable asds.
  6. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    i wish bearclawz was the one saying "yep i totally ddosed him" then he would have no chance

    what do u mean cod is bad its awesome i play it all day its the best game for voice trolls btw
  7. People spend tons of money on advanced supply drops and getting the good elite weapons, while majority of the players can't. Sledgehammer even said when aw was first launches that they were not adding anything that leads to 'pay to win', and yet they do it anyway...
  8. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    You're the one to talk xD
  9. ItsRias

    ItsRias Brady

    im just saying i had justin say he said oh yeah (when brenn said what you going to do ddos me) and it was sarcasm i still asked @EA_Sharks and she said its sarcasm so she said it was fine so if ajain gets banned its kinda bs tbh
    Oman0202 likes this.
  10. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    aw is bad

    bo2 is awesome
  11. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    Quit with the lies against @AjainWazHere . Sure, he might mess up sometimes, but he's not perfect. Also, He did not ddos anyone. It was clearly sarcasm.
    cdennis02 likes this.
  12. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    No ones perfect. =-=
    Minersof49ers likes this.
  13. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

  14. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Was that purposeful?
    Minersof49ers and Dimentio like this.
  15. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    Nope :)
  16. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Awe it would have been so perfect ;-;
    Minersof49ers likes this.
  17. Minersof49ers

    Minersof49ers music ig

    Lol :p
  18. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    its been like this for years
  19. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    But sadly you only witnessed one <5
  20. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    no xd ive witnissed it on forums b4 except i was the victim

    coz remember when i said i ddosed the archon and it was a joke this is basically the same situation except much worse lol
  21. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    And you didn't get one mute.
    I just love how things work on SquadCraft C:
  22. xxminexx2.0

    xxminexx2.0 New Member

    Rly Ea remember when i posted momochase saying "I ddos" u said that its a sarcasm ble ble ble.In this case why not you say the same to nathan? @EA_Sharks rly start acting like ur a real mod not a person who sits and says crap....

    That awkward moment when u say "all great things come to an end"I suddenly thought of this cuz i was eating(Its a real photo of me and my m8 eating xD)
    PS:Sorry @AjainWazHere for making jokes when you're having a bad time

    Attached Files:

  23. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Do you have proof of that because I'd certainly like to see myself saying that.
  24. PukingRainbowz

    PukingRainbowz New Member

    7pages wow
    AjainWazHere likes this.
  25. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Just bahn me alredyy
    xJango likes this.
  26. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    I heavily support this comment.
    Daniel Logic likes this.
  27. Davinder

    Davinder New Member

    I heavily disagree with this comment
  28. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Noe ;-;
  29. GG10HeartedPvP

    GG10HeartedPvP Callum + Josh = Jallum <3

    This looks like sarcasm,cut it still could be classified as a "Threat".Due to this "Sarcasm" that got a little out of hand AJAIN is now quitting (Some other reasons too) That got serious fast...
  30. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    lol, he was joking. He wouldn't ddos for 100000$ ddosing is for newbs @AjainWazHere 3>
  31. Daniel Logic

    Daniel Logic Logic

    Who wouldn't ddos for 100,000$?
  32. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    People that don't have a booter

    AJAIN <-- this guy
    Oman0202 likes this.
  33. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    I use to think a booter was a physical thing you could buy at stores...
    EA_Sharks likes this.
  34. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Same here! I thought it would look like a computer case someone had in their desk, not too long ago I learned it was a program =-=
  35. Daniel Logic

    Daniel Logic Logic

    I call bs
  36. Lostvayne

    Lostvayne I'll dance alone tonight Staff Member Mod

    I thought it looks like a wifi router lol

    EDIT:L Laggy internet made me double post
    Last edited: May 31, 2015
  37. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Originally I thought it looked like a PS3 xDD
  38. homey2thefry

    homey2thefry #R3KTF0RD4Y$

    i always knew a booter was something on ur pc coz my irl friend used to do things like ddos
  39. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    Can you guys make up your mind. This is literally going nowhere. Just give him the benefit of the doubt, he's been ddosed/doxed probably even ratted.
  40. xJango

    xJango Back from the dead..

    Oh great! Another person who thinks I DDoS and DOX.
  41. AjainWazHere

    AjainWazHere Recovering CS:GO Addict

    Thinking is different than knowing
  42. nv_Virus

    nv_Virus -=Factions Emerald=-

    Jango when did I say you ddos?
  43. -=[CREEPERBOT360]=-

    -=[CREEPERBOT360]=- Returned Staff Member Mod

    I can see how this was taken as a joke, I mean Ill be honest here I might have giggled a little when I saw this but DDoS is taken seriously and for this AJAIN before you say something think! I believe you should receive a punishment for this, but I think it should not be a ban. Just an opinion.
    Muffin_Knight and ROCKBOTTOM98 like this.
  44. RockStar_188

    RockStar_188 Capo on prison

    i'm sick of this thread
  45. nathanjp

    nathanjp New Member

    ikr some1 lock?
    RockStar_188 likes this.
  46. LittleFallen

    LittleFallen OldFac was our home u all left it :(

    is he banned or not
  47. Oman0202

    Oman0202 Oman Staff Member Mod

  48. Pvped

    Pvped New Member

    Just jail him ffs it's got nearly 150 replies
  49. ExternalOGpvp123

    ExternalOGpvp123 Helper-Emerald

    ---Thread Locked---
  50. skarmick

    skarmick @GoOnSkar

    Don't necropost man.
  51. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Last post was on June 12th.
    Today is July 11th.
    Necroposting is one month.
    Not necroposting.
  52. skarmick

    skarmick @GoOnSkar

    Eh, it was pretty much a dead thread though, and a day off.
    But you're the boss, so alright.
  53. EA_Sharks

    EA_Sharks New Member

    Well he's not getting banned for it so locked.
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